DMI – Supine to Sit by Arm and Opposite Leg

Initial Position: Child lies supine, parallel to your chest, head towards your right and
feet to your left.

Movement: Simultaneously using both hands, turn the child 90 degrees towards you so that the child rests on their left elbow which is placed directly under their shoulder and place the child’s right foot flat on the table in front of the left leg, with hip and knee bent. Using your right hand give pressure down into the child’s elbow encouraging the child to start to activate their arm and hand to push and sit up and at the same time give pressure on the child’s left knee encouraging external hip rotation. When the
child initiates an active response to sit up, move with the child until the child is sitting. Keep the child’s left hip in contact with the table at all times, pivoting over the hip. Repeat both sides.

Outcomes: trunk control, unilateral weightbearing, transition to sitting

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