DMI – Vibrations Against Gravity Prone, Supine and Side Lying



Initial Position: Child lies prone with legs on the table, head towards your right, feet to your left, head near the end of the table.

Movement: With your right hand slowly release the child’s head, then lij the child’s head into full extension sing a slow upwards vibrating movement. Slowly allow the head to move back down to the start position without vibration and release your hand off the forehead momentarily. Repeat 5x.


Initial Position: Child lies in side lying with legs on the table, head towards your right, feet to your left, head near the end of the table, facing away from you.

Movement: With your right hand slowly release the child’s head, then lij the child’s head into full side flexion using a slow upwards vibrating movement. Slowly, allow the head to move back down to the start position and release your hand off the head momentarily. Repeat 5x. Repeat to the opposite side.


Initial Position: Child lies supine with legs on the table, head towards your right, feet to your left, head near the end of the table.

Movement: With your right hand slowly release the child’s head, then lift the child’s head into full flexion using a slow upwards vibrating movement. Slowly allow the head to move back down to the start position without vibration and release your hand off the head. Repeat 5x

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