DMI – Walking by Thighs

Initial Position: Child stands held by mid trunk, facing away from

Movement: Shift the child’s weight slightly to the left and using the heel of your hand, assist the right leg to move forward. Repeat on the other side. Provoke the child to take 5 steps forward.


a.Walking by Below Knee: Starting with support at the thighs, move one hand down just below the knee and then the other. Shift the child’s weight slightly to the left and move the child’s right leg forward. Repeat on the other side. Provoke the child to take 5 steps forward.

b.Walking by Combination Thigh and Ankle: Starting with support at the thighs, move your right hand to the ankle. Encourage a weight shift to the left leg (leg supported at the thigh), then assist with stepping the right leg forward (leg supported at the ankle). Shift your right hand up to the thigh. Shift your left hand down to the ankle. Weight shift to the right, then assist with stepping the lej leg forward. Repeat 5 steps forward.

c.Walking by Ankles: Starting with support below the knees, move one hand down to 1 ankle and then the other. Shift the child’s weight slightly to the left and move the child’s right leg forward. Repeat on the other side. Provoke the child to take 5 steps forward.

Outcomes: walking more independently, leg weight shifting

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