DMI – Contained Squat

Initial Position: Child lies prone with legs on the table, parallel to your chest, head towards your left, feet to your right.

Movement: Lift the child’s legs up, and guiding with your left forearm, flex their hips and knees, placing their feet down on the table (close to you) while moving the trunk over their legs so that they are in a squatting position. Place your chin on their left shoulder giving pressure down together with your left forearm. The child’s nose should be over their toes. Give gentle downward pressure through the balls of the child’s feet to help them activate the squat to stand maneuver. As the child starts to activate an upwards push, gradually release some of the downwards pressure
equally so that they start to move directly up towards standing.
Maintain some downwards pressure even when they are fully standing.

Outcomes: Leg extension, verticality, trunk extension, trunk control

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